Spring 2022 Newsletter

Help from Heaven


Beginning with the Annunciation and through Pentacost, Mary has been a central figure. Today and throughout history, Mary has been bringing her children to her son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

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Youth Bible Breakfast


The University of Calgary pooled together 29 separate studies on youth and the Coronavirus and alarmingly concluded that clinically elevated child and adolescent depression and anxiety have doubled during the pandemic. Please consider attending the Bible Breakfasts with your children. Our kids desperately need Jesus to help them maneuver this world and kids need a moral compass to survive and thrive. 

Every third Saturday of the month, Vinum non Habent hosts a Bible Breakfast at Holy Family Church (1923 Fillmore St, Davenport, IA) from 8-10 am. Breakfast is provided. Youth and their families read and discuss the Bible, and talk about relatable topics such as bullying, the pandemic, issues at school, and the importance of faith. We pray and attend Adoration upstairs in the church. The goal is to bring Christ to youths and their families to help kids understand and know Jesus and their Catholic faith. We also have guest speakers and adults share their faith journeys.  Upcoming breakfast is March 26th.

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What is Epiphany?


The Epiphany is celebrated on  January 6th and dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, we also acknowledge the three Kings who came to adore Him and bring Him gifts.

Christ revealed himself as a newborn baby to the Three Wise Men, who traveled from their countries to pay tribute to the Son of God. God the Father led them to Jesus Christ through the Star of Bethlehem.

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